Friday 16 March 2012


I haven't done a BLOG for a while, simply for three reasons:

  1. I forgot my fucking password
  2. I couldn't actually be arsed
  3. I've been busy getting twatted on Glen's vodka. (Glen is a fucking legend. 5 kwid.)
Now that my excuses are out the way I can focus on the main topic, a fucking #BOOTHMING. 

Defining a #BOOTHMING

Somebody that reserves a set number of seats and a table at a bar on a desired night for the sole purpose of looking quite high up in the social status table. Why these people do this I have no fucking idea, when in actual fact they look like fame hungry, desperate for attention gobshites. Sitting down on a fucking lager stained couch in the corner is the last thing I want to be doing on a night out. 


GIRLS - The type that love themselves, 'smash the beds', pout at every photo opportunity and have a life ambition of meeting a footballer, some are even happy with a semi-pro.. as long as he drove a 65 plate fucking Focus and isn't a goalie. Don't get me wrong, the majority of birds in Liverpool are decent, but it's a fucking different story the next day when they're looking rough as fuck and eating a Pot Noodle.

LADS - The type that save up for fucking months on end to afford this one bottle of Grey Goose and then sit there all night taking turns in getting their 'proper boss that lad' profile picture took for Facebook. These lads (cretins) make me cringe, wearing blag Hugo Boss polos, shiny 'going out' shoes and have about 7 teeth in their fucking head. To top this off, the next day they're fucking skint and back on a fucking building site lobbing concrete flags to each other and talking about how they can't afford a fucking meal deal from the Co-Op.

Stay #Jeem

P.S - Visit my online clothing shop


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